Saturday 27 June 2020

Pump power calculation

Hydraulic Pump Power

The ideal hydraulic power to drive a pump depends on
  • the mass flow rate the
  • liquid density
  • the differential height
Pump power - si imperial units
- either it is the static lift from one height to an other or the total head loss component of the system - and can be calculated like
Ph(kW) = q ρ g h / (3.6 106)
        = q p / (3.6 106)                  (1)
Ph(kW) = hydraulic power (kW)
q = flow (m3/h)
ρ = density of fluid (kg/m3)
g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2)
h = differential head (m)
p = differeential pressure (N/m2, Pa)
The hydraulic Horse Power can be calculated as:
Ph(hp) = Ph(kW) / 0.746                                  (2)
Ph(hp) = hydraulic horsepower (hp)
Or - alternatively
Ph(hp) = qgpm hft SG / (3960 η)                              (2b)
qgpm = flow (gpm) 
hft = differential head (ft)
SG = Specific Gravity (1 for water)
η = pump efficiency

Example - Power pumping Water

1 m3/h of water is pumped a head of 10 m. The theoretical pump power can be calculated as
Ph(kW) = (1 m3/h) (1000 kg/m3) (9.81 m/s2) (10 m) / (3.6 106) 
    = 0.027 kW

Shaft Pump Power

The shaft power - the power required transferred from the motor to the shaft of the pump - depends on the efficiency of the pump and can be calculated as
Ps(kW) Ph(kW) / η                                     (3)
Ps(kW)  = shaft power (kW)
η = pump efficiency

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